Game for tackle
AL RAYYAN have been dogged by financial problems for some time, but Football Head Ali Salem Afifa said the club was not facing any insurmountable crisis.
“All clubs have financial problems and Rayyan are no exception. We’re a big club and have a higher expenditure. So it’s normal,” Ali Salem told Doha Stadium Plus.
“We know we’ll have to follow rules. The Qatar Football Association, Qatar Stars League and Ministry of Culture and Sports have taken some steps to prevent the clubs’ problems from escalating. Hopefully, we can overcome everything soon,” he said.
“I don’t think we’ve a crisis in Rayyan. We’ve budget constraints like everybody else, we’re working on that with the help of sports ministry and others who’re in charge of the game in the country. Whatever the regulations are, we’ll follow them,” he added.
Ali Salem said the situation was a reflection of the existing financial situation.
“All countries in the Gulf have problems and they’re a reflection of the financial situation in the region. We can’t talk about Rayyan club alonse. There’re so many issues. The current problems are caused mainly due to delay in payments in some areas, but I’m sure that with the expertise, we’ll be able to sort things out,” said the official.