Special Correspondent
THE Al Khor-Al Bayt Stadium has been praised for incorporating the aspects of local heritage and culture into its design, scoring three out of three in the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS) by the Gulf Organisation for Research and Development (GORD).
It is the first stadium to receive such a score for its contribution towards promoting heritage and cultural identity.
The stadium’s design, which has drawn inspiration from a traditional Qatari tent, was reviewed by an expert heritage panel as part of the GSAS sustainability certification process.
Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy’s Sustainability and Environmental Manager Bodour Al Meer said, “The Al Bayt Stadium’s unique design shows how we’re using inspiration from the past to deliver a green future. Its very concept is centred on sustainability as the tent-like design will minimise the amount of energy required to keep football fans and players cool.”
GORD Founding Chairman Dr Yousef Al Horr said, “The stadium shows a creative union of traditional style with modern concepts, giving a flavour of Qatar’s past and future. The theme of the Arabian tent is a true reflection of Qatari culture, both aesthetically and symbolically.”
Al Bayt Stadium-Al Khor City’s design is an entirely Qatari concept. The 60,000-seat arena has a modular design, which includes an upper tier of removable seats. After the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the upper tier will be removed and the stadium’s capacity will be reduced to 32,000.
Surrounding the stadium, a new precinct will serve the wider Al Khor community. In addition to retail space and restaurants, the precinct will include landscaped paths for residents to use as horse-riding, cycling and jogging tracks, making the stadium complex an integral part of local life. DSP