ICSS sign MOU with WADA
Doha, Qatar: The International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to coordinate efforts in order to fight doping activities, trafficking of doping substances and match-fixing.
The purpose of the co-operation between the ICSS — an independent, non-profit organization, which partners with multiple sectors to address some of the most prominent challenges facing the world of sport today such as safety, security, integrity and governance — and WADA is to support enforcement of national and international anti-doping measures referred to in the UNESCO International Convention against Doping in Sport, as well as match-fixing with each organization focusing on their respective mandates, authority and expertise. The support shall be limited to anti-doping measures and match-fixing that are directed towards the prevention and suppression of doping activities and trafficking of doping substances, when the latter constitute ordinary law crimes.
ICSS Director, Capacity Building and Education and Director of the Sport Integrity Unit, Dale Sheehan said: “The ICSS mission to help safeguard sport and to work for integrity and fair play across all sport is greatly advanced through international cooperation with those who work to combat corruption in sport. Our Sport Integrity Unit will use this working agreement with WADA to expand our intelligence network and strengthen our capacity to investigate.
“This MOU brings joint expertise together and is a significant step forward for the ongoing success of our Sport Integrity Hotline which has been set up to provide an independent, international platform for those wanting to report wrongdoing in sport.
“We welcome this cooperation and the ICSS is proud to be of support and service to the excellent work of WADA.”
WADA Director, Intelligence and Investigations, Gunter Younger said: “As is the case with WADA’s other international cooperation agreements, this MOU strengthens WADA’s network and therefore the Agency’s capability for more robust intelligence and investigations. The MOU will also involve both parties encouraging the implementation of relevant legislation in all countries to enable partners to fight efficiently against the trafficking of doping substances, match-fixing and other forms of sports corruption.
WADA also encourages informants and whistleblowers to come forward and report suspected doping violations via the Agency’s Speak Up! platform. Launched in March 2017, the platform has already generated over 300 reports.